The Sunny Picnic Set features members of the Fennec Fox family, renowned for their distinctive big, pointy ears. This delightful set includes a Fennec Fox girl and her adorable baby, accompanied by a pushcart and a variety of picnic essentials. Indulge in Fennec Fox-shaped buns, doughnuts, candy sticks, and cupcakes for a sweet treat during your outdoor adventures. The pushcart's basket is removable, providing ample space for the baby to ride along comfortably. Encouraging imaginative role-playing, this set is suitable for children aged three years and above.
Key Features:
- Includes Fennec Fox girl, baby, pushcart, and picnic equipment.
- Features Fennec Fox-shaped buns, doughnuts, candy sticks, and cupcakes.
- Removable pushcart basket accommodates the baby for a delightful ride.
- Stimulates imaginative role-playing for children.
Suitable for Ages: Three years and above.
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